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More than money

09 Jun 2018 - Simon Palmer - Business Broker

Many people think that that the purchase of a veterinary practice is solely a financial transaction, and that the highest dollar offer will always win the day.

“The fish was this big!” and other valuation distortions

09 Nov 2018 - Simon Palmer&Paolo Lencioni - Practice Sales

When someone is looking to buy or sell a practice, they are often presented with an appraisal of the practice that has been prepared by the other party in the transaction. While the results of the practice’s trading may be clear, there are numerous appraisal techniques to choose from, and often some creativity applied when using them.

Goodwill Transfer In Practice Sales

06 Jul 2017 - Simon Palmer - Business Broker Vet Practice Sales

One of the greatest fears buyers of veterinary practices have is that they will pay significant money for goodwill and there will be a mass exodus of clients when they take over. To mitigate this risk, any buyer needs to seriously look at the reasons why a client frequents the practice, and give them no reason to want to change their behaviour. 

Emotionally Compromised DIY Practice Sales

23 May 2017 - Simon Palmer - Vet Practice Sales

Most people would acknowledge that it is inappropriate for a judge to preside over a case involving a family member. If they did, their decision could be influenced by their personal relationship with the person involved in case, rather than the facts. Any ruling would not be deemed fair and just to those who sought judgement (and it probably wouldn’t be).

Vet Practice Mergers

30 Jan 2017 - Tony Thelander - Vet Practice Sales

The practice scene in Australia is changing rapidly, therefore practice owners need to be aware of strategic opportunities, so that the practice can continue to move forward with the industry (if you are not going forward, you are going backwards!). One of the options open to some practices is a practice merger with a near neighbour. So, when is a merger a good way to go, and what are the advantages of the strategy?

For Sale By Owner: DIY Practice Sales

24 Oct 2016 - Simon Palmer - Business Broker Practice Sales Vet Practice Sales

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects are usually a great source of pride for the person undertaking the project. It is a way of putting your unique touch on something, creating a personal vision or an ideal, from formless raw materials, often saving yourself money at the same time.

Just a few more years....What Muhammad Ali can teach us about exit planning!

10 Sep 2016 - Simon Palmer - Practice Sales

On June 3rd 2016 the world lost one of its most admired sports heroes, when Muhammad Ali passed away. Ali will no-doubt go down in history as an inspiring figure. As an athlete, he was an Olympic Gold Medallist and ranked by most (and most notably by himself) as boxing’s greatest of all time. As an activist, he was probably the most high-profile and well-known conscientious objector to the Vietnam War. As a sports personality, he was renowned for his eloquence, and was near-universally loved.

Leaving a Perfect Legacy in the Buyer of your Practice: Putting the Cart Before the Horse

30 Jun 2016 - Simon Palmer - Vet Practice Sales

Let’s say you had a café that you bought a coffee from every morning.

Vet Practice Sales: Paying for Potential

30 Jun 2016 - Simon Palmer - Vet Practice Sales

When selling any business, a seller will try to describe the business not just as it is, but also as it could be. Being able to show untapped potential and unexplored opportunities can mean a significant premium paid above and beyond what the financials of your veterinary practice would suggest.

Reinvest or Divest: Treating your practice like Steve Jobs’ house

08 Jun 2016 - Simon Palmer - Vet Practice Sales

There is a famous story about an old house owned by Steve Jobs in Woodside California called Jackling House. Steve hated the house and wanted it torn down so that he could build a new house for his family that was more suitable.  There was only one problem - the old house was a 1926 Spanish colonial-style house, loved by preservationists for its historical significance - they wanted it preserved for future generations.

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