The right place

We show your practice in the best possible light, to get the best possible result.

We paint a picture of your practice - not just as it is, but as it could be.

Practice Sale Search uncovers your practice’s hidden wealth and potential for buyers, in order to maximise the return you get on your most valuable asset.


The right result

We recognise that, while price is important, it isn’t the only consideration.

Achieving the right result can also be about the personality of the purchaser, compatibility with the team and community, and the terms and timing of the sale. We have an extensive database of buyers, ranging from recent graduates right through to corporate interests.

Practice Sale Search partners with you to identify the success criteria of the sale, and qualifies the right buyers, so that you get the results you are looking for!

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Discreet and confidential

Practice Sale Search recognises that selling your veterinary practice is a discreet and sometimes sensitive process.

We offer many different service levels of confidentiality and discretion.

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  • Together our directors have many decades of experience and have handled hundreds of practice sales throughout Australia.
  • We have a deep understanding of the concerns, sensitivities and stresses that come along with being a practitioner, and the complexities involved in the purchase of a practice and the following transition.
  • Having directors who are former practice owners means that they have experienced first-hand the conflicting emotions that you may feel when selling your practice. They have been where you are.
  • No one knows the industry better!

Overcoming Business Ownership Stockholm Syndrome.

09 May 2024 - Simon Palmer - Practice Sales

“Stockholm Syndrome” is a term that is used to explain a psychological phenomenon where hostages can sometimes develop positive feelings and a bond with their captors. Strangely enough, it is possible for the phenomenon to extend its grip into aspects of our lives, like business ownership. 

What’s your Escape Velocity?

26 Sep 2023 - Simon Palmer - Practice Sales

What would happen if a terrible misfortune (health or financial) happened to you or a loved one? A misfortune that resulted in you needing to sell your practice in a hurry…

How to minimise selling "subject to..."

12 Oct 2023 - Simon Palmer - Practice Sales

When you are selling your practice, signing the sale contracts is certainly a milestone to be celebrated. It means that you’ve agreed with a buyer on all the variables involved in the price and terms of the deal.

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