Exiting your practice and maximising your outcome

Upcoming Seminar

Exiting your practice and maximising your outcome
Start: Saturday 07/09/2024 8:30 AM
End: Saturday 07/09/2024 4:00 PM
ADA NSW, Sydney

In practice sales you don’t get the result you deserve… you get the result you create!

Get the best possible return for one of your greatest assets.

Vital information for anyone within their last 5 years of ownership!

A dental practice is usually one of the most valuable assets in a dentist’s life. When it comes time to sell, many will do so with little understanding of the value of what they are selling and how to present it effectively to a buyer. Others delay putting their practice on the market at an optimal time, fearful of what to do next and afraid of a loss of their identity. 

This course explains:

  • How to prepare your practice for sale to optimise the price, terms and compatibility with a purchaser
  • Which exit strategy is right for your practice and why
  • When is an optimal time to maximise the return for your asset
  • Pitfalls owners fall into that devalue their practice in the final years of ownership
  • Steps owners can take to improve the outcome in the final years of ownership
Exiting your practice and maximising your outcome

Upcoming Seminar

Exiting your practice and maximising your outcome
Start: Saturday 14/09/2024 8:30 AM
End: Saturday 14/09/2024 4:00 PM
ADA VB, Melbourne

In practice sales you don’t get the result you deserve… you get the result you create!

Get the best possible return for one of your greatest assets.

Vital information for anyone within their last 5 years of ownership!

Topics include:

  • Exit planning how to get your practice ready to sell
  • Various exit strategies, including walk-in walk-out, the incremental sale, sell and stay on and grandfather
  • Succession Planning – what you need to do now to prepare (and how to manage the transition to retirement)
  • Valuing Dental Practices – what is the value in your dental practice and how to quantify?
  • Legal agreements
  • Effective strategies for transferring patients effectively from seller to buyer
  • What to do next post sale - volunteer dentistry, locum, structure working part time, or retire
  • Understanding what you are selling
  • Does your current structure provide for succession?
  • Tax implications and strategies for selling
  • Superannuation strategies on the sale of your business

Learning Objectives

  • Preparation work - how do you get your practice ready in order to sell?
  • Learn which exit strategy option is right for your practice and why
  • What to do if you plan to sell your practice in the next year... how to increase its value and what not to do
  • Understanding the different accounting considerations